I Can't Help It.
Today feels like the straw that broke the camel's back. I received a phone call today that my cell phone number would be released within the next few hours if I didn't switch the account to my plan. 'Released' meaning I would lose the phone number that I've had for the past 20+ years. Not okay. And only a few hours to figure it out? Who does that?
So I looked to see what it would cost to transfer my number to my own personal account. $120/month. I know it might not seem like a lot to others, but to a single mom of two kids who just recently was laid off from her job, it's a huge mountain. I've tried so hard to remain positive during these daunting days, but I don't know how much longer I can do this. I feel like I'm being punished and I have no idea why. It feels like hit after hit keep coming, and while I fall down and get back up, it's only a matter of time before all of the punches keep you down. Even the greatest fighters of the world can only take so many hits.
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