
 Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you are here - grab a cup of coffee (throw some Bailey's in too!) or tea, or whatever your jam is and cozy on up. I'm about to spill my truth!👍

This blog is something that I have thought about off and on for years...YEARS. Why didn't I just do it years ago you might be asking? Well, because I was so in my head that I was paralyzed with fear of no one ever reading it. And recently, I've realized I don't care who reads this ✌ I'm not blogging to anyone, I'm just blogging to get all of these feelings, thoughts, and my heart's thoughts out into the world and out of my soul - because they need to go somewhere other than my head otherwise I'm gonna go CRA-ZY! And with Covid, we are still stuck at home for the most-part and I want to be able to connect with others. So if you are a blogger too - then let me know! I'd love to read your blog and learn more about you.

So that's it. Simple, right? Right! So keep reading and comment - I love to reply to comments! 

Thanks for being here,



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